Vyta Pivo

Vyta Pivo , Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, UM vpivo@miami.edu

Dr. Vyta Pivo is an Assistant Professor at the University of Miami School of Architecture. She previously was a member of the Michigan Society of Fellows and Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, specializing in architectural and urban history, environmental studies, and the US in the global context. Her current project, A World Cast in Concrete: How the US Built its Empire, documents the trans-planetary ambitions of the US cement and concrete industries along with the environmental and social consequences of their expansion. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, the Journal of Architectural Education, and a host of popular outlets, including Pscyhe/Aeon, Humanities, PLATFORM, Metropole, Gotham, and SAH Archipedia. She holds a PhD in American Studies from George Washington University, an MA in architectural history from University College London, and a BA in studio arts/architecture from Wesleyan University.